Peer Mediation for Elementary, Junior High School and High School students in the Transformative Orientation is happening!
Over the past 3 years the Center for Dispute Settlement has trained more than 40 students as peer mediators in the Rochester and Canandaigua City School Districts (School #45 Peer Mediators pictured above).
In the Transformative Mediation Model we believe conflict provides an opportunity for personal growth. When conflict is addressed in this unique orientation trained peer mediators support the opportunity for disputants to get clear about how the conflict has impacted them and plan what they can do to make things right. When in conflict, people become weak and self-absorbed; transformative mediation helps foster empowerment, clarity, and empathy. We believe that people want to be in relationship with each other and that when they feel heard, they are more able to see another person’s point of view and work toward a resolution. And we believe that students are more comfortable having other students help them do that.
CDS’ 26 to 32-hour training uses multiple teaching strategies to provide an engaging training for youth. Students learn how to maintain neutrality, actively listen, and respect self-determination. Along with the core skills of reflecting, summarizing and checking-in, these basic tenants of Transformative Mediation represent the most respectful and effective way to help others in conflict. Students gain and put into practice life skills that increase their social emotional capacity and strengthen the Core Assets (Competence, Confidence, Connection, Character and Caring).
Peer Mediation is an opportunity for both those students in conflict and the peer mediators to help create a more peaceable school culture. The program shows students that taking the time and the courageous step to talk through conflicts can help prevent conflicts from escalating, increase relationships and connection among their peers.
Students overwhelmingly leave the training excited to become mediators but our collaboration does not stop there. Through our Technical Assistance Support for staff and students we are able to help ensure a Peer Mediation program that works and becomes imbedded into the school culture. Technical Assistance includes follow-up skill-building and refreshers, supplemental resources, and mediation observations. With this added support, we are able to help ensure that students who make the effort and schools that support this unique conflict resolution work actually have a functioning and sustainable Peer Mediation program that works!
Recently RCSD’s Mary McCloud Bethune School #45, on Clifford Avenue celebrated the completion of their 3-day Junior High School Peer Mediation Training over the summer. A Leader in Me School #45 empowers their students to lead by example and skillfully help other students handle conflict. Since the training, the students have conducted 45 peer mediations and in the process introduced many students to this conflict resolution mediation! These Peer Mediators continue to amaze and grow in their skills and understanding of conflict.