March 2025 Newsletter




Anti-Bias Training

March 31, 2025

5 p.m.-8 p.m.

Free for CDS Mediators

$60 for Community Members


Submit Payment


Register in advance to receive the Zoom link



This three-hour training is designed to promote greater awareness of implicit bias in respect to race, culture, gender and gender identity, age, cognitive/physical ability, religious affinity, and other identities. The primary goal of this training is to empower participants to recognize their own biases, become aware of the impact of these biases in their work environment, and take steps to reduce the harmful impact of biases.




Virtual Divorce Mediation Continuing Education, Separating Retirement Assets

April 3, 2025

5 - 7 p.m. 

Speaker: Steven Sugarman, Esq.

CDS certified divorce mediators only


Steven Sugarman, Mediator and Attorney, will walk mediators through how to support divorcing spouses as they identify retirement assets, how to value them and how to divide these assets.


Register in advance for this meeting



Basic Mediation Training

April 23-25, May 1-2

8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.



This 35-hour training introduces participants to the theory, principles, and practice of mediation in the Transformative Mediation framework to prepare them to mediate community disputes as a volunteer with the Center for Dispute Settlement. Open to community members attending for professional development.



We are honored to recognize Jamie Foster as our Staff Feature! Jamie has been a volunteer mediator with CDS since 2019, and joined staff as a program manager with the Yates and Ontario County offices in August 2024. Jamie specializes in case management and mediation.


Jamie has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication and skill in his role as a program manager and co-trainer. His ability to create a safe and supportive space for individuals to express themselves openly and honestly is truly commendable. 


His Favorite Things About Being a Mediator


  • Listening
  • Giving people an opportunity to communicate more effectively
  • Helping people feel empowered in tough situations
  • Learning by reflecting on my mediations and talking with other mediators
  • Being part of a community that is committed to doing this work

Recommendations for New/Aspiring Mediators


  • Learn to listen without judgment
  • Let the parties lead, let go of the need to control outcomes
  • Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself - ask yourself why you do what you do in the mediation room


Jamie is grateful to be able to do this work and be part of a community that is committed to finding constructive ways to navigate conflict.


Jamie has helped to build bridges, foster understanding, and promote lasting resolutions. We are incredibly grateful for Jamie’s contributions to our organization and the community. His commitment to peace, justice, and understanding inspires us all.


Congratulations and thank you, Jamie!




Women's History Month


CaTyra Polland, Communications Specialist


Women have always made invaluable contributions to society — despite discrimination, sexism, and prejudice. Women bring lived experience, education, emotional intelligence, and leadership to the table, from politics to education to law enforcement and beyond.


Women are the backbone of society as the teachers, mentors and leaders we turn to for advice, guidance, encouragement, and knowledge.


Women's History Month is a small part of how society shows appreciation and gratitude to women who have paved the way, not only for themselves but for everyone.


If you haven't already, thank a woman or women in your life who have made a difference. Happy Women's History Month to all of the women who have made, currently make and will make our world a better place. © 2025




1.Marie Curie 1867-1934: Known for her findings of the new science Radioactivity, which she is also credited for naming it. This is used in treating and even curing cancer in some individuals. 


2.Rosa Parks 1913-2005- While living in the segregated south, in Alabama, her actions of refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white person is seen as one of the sparks of the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. 


3.Marie Stopes 1880-1958: Was an advocate for birth control and sexual education for women. She was from Edinburgh, Scotland and earned a science degree from University College in London. Her efforts of putting birth control clinics in poor working-class neighborhoods, in London, worked to bring women around the world the opportunity for planned pregnancies and say over their futures. 


4.Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, 1961-1997: She was internationally known for her work with sick children, banning landmines, and her efforts of raising awareness about people affected by cancer, mental illness, and HIV/AIDS. There was a controversial story released when she was photographed shaking the hands of an individual with AIDS.


5.Amelia Earhart 1897-1939: In 1932 she became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. In the summer of 1937 she began to fly around the world becoming the first person to fly from the Red Sea to India. She was reported missing that same summer and declared dead in 1939. Her disappearance is still unsolved to this day. 


6.Dr. Ellen Ochoa 1958-2025: In 1993 she became the first Hispanic woman to go to space. She’s been to space on four occasions. Ochoa is also the first Hispanic woman, and second woman ever, to be named as director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center. 


7.Wangarĩ Maathai 1940-2011: Was the first African woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize for her work and efforts to save Kenya’s forests. 


8.Marsha P. Johnson 1945-1992: She was a self-identified drag queen who was an outspoken activist for gay liberation. She was one of the key people in the 1969 Stonewall Uprising. She continued her efforts in co-founding Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (S.T.A.R), and later opened the STAR House, a shelter for gender-nonconforming and transgender youth. She later worked in AIDS activism in the 1980’s. 



Black Balloon Day


Black Balloon Day has become a national and international event, bringing awareness to overdose deaths. As with many things with the opioid epidemic, Black Balloon Day began with a family’s loss. Diane and Lauren Hurley began Black Balloon Day in remembrance of Greg Tremblay. Tremblay, a father of four, is the son-in-law of Diane and brother-in-law of Lauren and died of an overdose when he was 38 years old on March 6, 2015.





DEI Resources:


DEI Defined: What Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Really Means is informative.  (Shared by Michelle Mitchell (Ontario/Yates County)



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