
Anti-Bias Training

03/31/2025 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm

This 3 hour training is designed to promote greater awareness of implicit bias in respect to race, culture, gender and gender identity, age, cognitive/physical ability, religious affinity and other identities. The primary goal of this training is to empower participants to recognize their own biases, become aware of the impact of these biases in their work environment, and take steps to reduce the harmful impact of biases. Free for CDS Mediators, $60 for Community Members

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Basic Mediation Training

04/23/2025 - 8:30am

This 35-hour training introduces participants to the theory, principles, and practice of mediation in the Transformative Mediation framework to prepare them to mediate community disputes as a volunteer with the Center for Dispute Settlement.

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Anti-Bias Training - May 9, 2025

05/09/2025 - 9:00am to 12:00pm

The primary goal of this training is to empower participants to recognize their own biases, become aware of the impact of these biases in their work environment, and take steps to reduce the harmful impact of biases.

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