Test 3
Our goal is simple: to get people to talk it out before they fight it out.
Our expert mediators and dispute resolution specialists can help you talk it out before a conflict gets worse. This can de-escalate a conflict, often preventing litigation, justice system involvement, or violence. Over 90% of our clients report a high level of satisfaction with our services.
Contact us today to get started!
(585) 546-5110, x106
Family |
Our trained specialists can help your family save time and money and avoid the anxiety of spending time in court. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, or other family member, we can help you take charge of a challenging situation and talk about issues that affect everyone involved. Our services include:
School |
The Center can help students, parents, and school district personnel develop the skills and tools they need to avoid disruptive conflicts and to positively affect situations where differing viewpoints are respected and constructively received. Programs include:
School |
The Center can help students, parents, and school district personnel develop the skills and tools they need to avoid disruptive conflicts and to positively affect situations where differing viewpoints are respected and constructively received. Programs include:
Workplace |
We provide dispute resolution skill development and training for individuals, businesses, employers and community agencies on topics that include:
Training |
The Center can customize training for your school, community, civic organization, business or government agency in the following areas:
Specialty Services |
The Center offers programs to assist with resolving specific unique issues including: