Basic Mediation Training with Kim Reisch
This 35-hour training introduces participants to the theory, principles, and practice of mediation in the Transformative Mediation framework to prepare them to mediate community disputes as a volunteer with the Center for Dispute Settlement.
Registration Info:
$1,000 - General Public.
$200 - New approved volunteers of the Center
Scholarships for volunteers are available.
Registration deadline is November 17, 2023 Space is limited!
How to Register:
Online: Visit, Note the fee is for 11-2023 Basic Mediation Training.
By Check: Send check to Center for Dispute Settlement, 16 E. Main Street, Suite 800, Rochester, NY 14614, Attn: Ronnie Pollack.
Other Information:
Coffee, tea, morning muffins, lunch and afternoon snacks will be provided. Overnight accommodations at the Retreat House are available please contact Kim Reisch ( for more information
For questions, contact Ronnie Pollack @ (585) - 546-5110 or
*Note: This training is Part 146 approved for 24 hours of Initial Mediation Training. Pursuant to Part 146, court-based mediation rosters require both a combination of mediation training and experience mediating. Acceptance on court rosters depends on a court’s need for mediators at any given time and may include a court’s need for mediators with specific case-type training or experience and mediation experience. Final placement on any court roster is in the discretion of the local Administrative Judge.